Servicing  trade builders, construction industry, home renovators and the DIY market.


Tradeware Building Supplies are Quality Timber & Hardware Specialists delivering Australia Wide.

Brisbane Qld, Sydney NSW, Melbourne VIC, Adelaid SA, Perth WA, Darwin NT
Brisbane Southside, Brisbane Northside, Redlands, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast & Pine Rivers.

Of course no matter where you are located we can organise delivery of your timber and hardware.



Make a stunning addition to your patio or deck with one of our Custom Designed Wine Barrels.

Esky Barrels - TRADEWARE Building Supplies Brisbane

Constructed from genuine French and Australian Oak Wine Barrels - which beautifully demonstrate the skill and tradition of the Master Cooper (Wine Barrel Maker) - these charming objects have been repurposed as functional new items for the Australian backyard.

Choose from Half-Barrel Planters, Esky Barrels, Heaters, a ‘Lazy Susan’ top, or a plain barrel – straight from the vineyard.

We can also add a drink shelf, convenient castors, or give it a fresh coat of varnish… whatever it takes to make it the perfect addition to your outdoor lifestyle.

Put some ‘character’ in your life with a Tradeware Custom Wine Barrel.

‘Uniquely Tradeware’. …Give us a call!