Custom Screens

For the ultimate in privacy and style, Tradeware offer a rage of pine and hardwood screening options. Choose from one of our custom designs, or design your own and we will build it to your specifications.

Our screens can be used as a stylish alternative to a front fence, provide privacy outside windows, or give your entertainment area some protection from the elements.

The following is the list of custom Tradeware screening designs;

Diagonal Pine Lattice
Horizontal/Vertical Lattice
42 x 19 Hardwood Screening
70 x 19 Hardwood Screening
90 x 19 Hardwood Screening
Tradewave "The Leonie"
Tradeweave "The Shannon"
Tradeweave "The Bengston"
Tradeweave "The Starling"
Split Logs
Custom Orb Panel

All panels can be run either horizontally or vertically.

Designer Camouflage Screens
We also specialise in Designer Camouflage Screens to turn household eyesores into things of beauty.

Perfect for everything from Air Conditioners and Gas Bottles to Wheelie Bins and Hot Water Systems.

Choose from any of our cutom Hardwood Screen designs as listed above.

Screening Timber

Should you want to build your own screens, or if you require screening materials for whatever purpose, Tradeware have a good selection of timber and materials to choose from. Check out our Decking page for information on these items.